“News To Be Enjoyed Over Coffee”

Delivering Smiles Since 1988

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United Way Central Alberta


Vol. 1 No. 5:13 May 13, 2024

Everybody’s Talking


Pleasant surprise: Folks at the Salvation Army, an organization that helps the poor in the United States, were thrilled when their annual Red Kettle campaign netted more than just cash. In Shawnee, Kansas, a three-quarter carat diamond was thrown into the kettle, while in Miami, Florida, a diamond and sapphire ring turned up, along with a note that said: “They need it more than I.” Both pieces were appraised at approximately $2,000. In Kansas, Major Michele Heaver reported that workers thought the diamond was a piece of trash, but were quite excited when they discovered the value of the piece. Both donations were appraised and auctioned off, with the proceeds helping families in need.

Making an escape: There were 135 penguins at Tokyo Sea Life Park in Japan. That is until one penguin decided to make a run for it and allegedly scaled a net twice its size. It was last seen taking a dip in the nearby Old Edogawa River. The one-year-old Humboldt penguin still hasn’t been captured, reports Takashi Sugino, an official at the park. The bird is only about 27 inches tall and the net surrounding the enclosure is 6.5 feet. Sugino believes the penguin may have slipped under the net, rather than over it.

Solidarity: Philippe Aumond and Camille Boivin didn’t want their son, Jacob, to feel alone in wearing an insulin pump, so they had the image of a pump tattooed on their abdomens. The Canadian couple from La Sarre, Quebec, explained that it’s their way of being linked forever to their son. Jacob used to think the pump was like having a robot hooked up to him, but once he got a little older, the novelty wore off and he told his parents he felt different from his friends because he wore the pump. That’s when they decided to get tattoos. They feel that every child should be able to fit in, no matter what the circumstances.

Painful surprise: Priscilla Dang is a martial arts expert, so when two teenage thugs in Vancouver, Washington, tried to assault her while she was out jogging, she quickly went into defense mode. Dang, who has studied kung fu for 18 years at her family’s martial arts school, began by grabbing one of the youths and demanding an apology. She actually received an apology, but when the second youth became verbally abusive, Dang got physical. Witnesses to the confrontation called the police, who arrived soon. “They messed with the wrong girl,” says Dang.

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Quotable Quotes


“Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go.”
– William Feather
“Genius is one-percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.”
– Thomas Edison
“Experience is the name so many people give to their mistakes.”
– Oscar Wilde
“When one door of happiness closes another opens; but, often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.”
– Helen Keller



1. Who performed the first heart transplant in 1967?

2. Are Brazil nuts seeds or nuts?

3. Who is the author of “Brave New World”?

4. From where did border collies originate?

5. Who is known for the quote: “All my possessions for a moment of time.”?

▼ Trivia answers at the bottom of the page! ▼

What’s Happening


 May 2024


Lacombe Performing Arts Centre Summer Camps Registration

  • What: Merge nature with art in these day camps for children aged 6-12. Camps feature a variety of arts activities inspired by nature and fun games.
  • When: Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Cost: $150 per child
  • Limited availability
  • For more information:

ESL with the Henday Association

  • When: Tuesdays, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
  • Where: Sylvan Lake Municipal Library (4715-50 Avenue)
  • What: Improve your English conversation skills in a welcoming environment. Practice speaking and listening while getting to know your neighbors.
  • For more information, please call: Henday Association for Lifelong Learning at 403.227.2866

Trash to Treasure Event

  • When: May 10-20
  • What: Give your pre-loved items a new life by placing them at your curb marked as “FREE”. Let’s treasure hunt responsibly – only take items up for grabs, and remember to keep lawns pristine!
  • For more details, dial: 403.782.1261
  • Community Clean-Up: May 21-30
  • For more information, please visit: www.lacombe.ca/trashtotreasure

Central Alberta Chamber Orchestra Pops presents Country AND Westerns

  • What: A star-studded concert featuring Devin Cooper, Haeley Ginter and more
  • When: May 24, 7 p.m.
  • Where: Festival Hall (4214-58 Street)
  • Tickets: $25 (general admission); $12 for seniors and students
  • Tickets available at: www.Eventbrite.ca and at the door

Sylvan Lake Municipal Library Author Talk and Book Signing with Vonda Peterson

  • When: Wednesday, May 22, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
  • What: Vonda Peterson will read excerpts from her book “A Hole In Our Hearts”, followed by a Q&A and book signing.
  • Please consider bringing a non-perishable food item donation for the Little Free Pantry.
  • Full details: Visit the Library website and Facebook page.

Your Weekly Horoscope


Lucky numbers this week: This week’s odds favour Taurus winners with the luckiest number being 6.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

Recent emotional growth may stem from the realization that you don’t need anyone’s approval. Get out there and express yourself loud and clear.
Lucky numbers: 1, 14, 18, 21, 24, 28.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21)

Being your sweet self may encourage others to join in your discussion. Try not to place blame and void any disagreements by being a good listener.
Lucky numbers: 4, 6, 11, 22, 23, 31.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21)

Put a more positive spin on your beliefs. Be thankful for the blessings you possess. You may need to break away from your typical defensive reactions.
Lucky numbers: 6, 9, 19, 26, 36, 39.

Cancer (June 22 - July 23)

Your strong passion could lead you to more success. If you communicate your ideas clearly, you may find more like-minded people than you previously thought were out there.
Lucky numbers: 10, 12, 23, 24, 36, 39.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 23)

Your need to understand complex ideas will enable you to dig deeper. Your personal magnetism could lead you to new social and professional contacts.
Lucky numbers: 2, 5, 6, 12, 15, 16.

Libra (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23)

Past experiences may enable you to offer a more candid opinion. Negative energy might attempt to stifle you, but your emotions will be clear to all.
Lucky numbers: 12, 15, 32, 35, 42, 47.

Virgo (Aug. 24 - Sept. 23)

You might expect some opposition, but know that loyal individuals are on your bandwagon. Your continued team effort could make you a vital factor in achieving a goal.
Lucky numbers: 8, 14, 27, 32, 37, 43.

Scorpio (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)

Your hard work could result in even greater recognition at this time. Your ideas may be well accepted by your influence within new social networking groups.
Lucky numbers: 15, 23, 26, 37, 44, 48.

Sagittarius Nov. 23 - Dec. 21)

You like to blend in with people in order to observe their true nature. You might feel more at home with them once your unique charm kicks in.
Lucky numbers: 13, 18, 22, 35, 40, 45.

Aquarius (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19)

You may have supporters who need your help in setting up the groundwork for their project. With a little ingenuity, you’re sure to find the perfect solution for them.
Lucky numbers: 1, 2, 9, 11, 12, 19.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20)

Tap into your inner strength to get yourself back on track. Begin this by spreading your message to a more diverse audience.
Lucky numbers: 3, 13, 24, 34, 46, 48.

Pisces (Feb. 20 - March 20)

Things may not be what they seem. Insist on an explanation from others. You may need to look a little deeper into your immediate circle of friends before you find the answers you are looking for.
Lucky numbers: 3, 14, 18, 39, 42, 45.

Did you Know?


Heavy sleep:
The rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep is where people have their most bizarre dreams. Some believe these dreams have important meanings, while others say they are simply a meaningless by-product of consciousness.

Make it smell:
Natural gas, which is used to heat many homes, is odourless. However, since a gas leak can be dangerous, a noxious scent is added to it so people can be alerted if there is a leak.

Bowl of beans:
Want to cut back on eating so much meat? Try beans, including black, kidney, or navy beans. High in fibre, half a cup of beans also provides about the same amount of protein as one ounce of meat.

Vitamin C:
Those concerned about getting enough vitamin C should try eating kiwifruit which can provide twice as much of this vitamin than oranges. One kiwifruit a day is enough to meet the recommended daily requirement of vitamin C.

Need air:
The sperm whale can dive to depths of 10,000 feet under the sea, and it can stay under water for well over an hour. Before taking the plunge, the whale stays on the surface for 10 minutes to fill up on oxygen.

On the Lighter Side


Broken pencils are really pointless.

What kind of beans never grow in a garden? Jelly beans.

The school secretary answered the phone in the office. “I’m sorry,” said a deep voice, “but Eddie can’t come to school today because he’s not feeling well.” The secretary asked who was speaking. “My father,” said the voice on the other end.

Jack: “My cat is so smart, he has his own computer.”
Jill: “Does he use it much?”
Jack: “Yes. He’s always playing with the mouse.”

Automation gave us eighty-three million additional hours of leisure time–and digital dialing took it away!

One toe to another toe: “Don’t look now, but there’s a couple of heels following us!”

Trivia answers:

1. Dr. Christaan Barnard

2. Seeds

3. Aldous Huxley

4. England and Scotland

5. Elizabeth I

This edition has been brought to you by United Way Central Alberta

© Published with permission of Costain Corp

Please note this issue was published sometime over the past 10 years. Jokes, Trivia, Stories and Quotes may be time specific or reference maybe made to events which are no longer relevant.