Table of Contents
Everybody’s Talking | Quotable Quotes | Trivia | What’s Happening | Your Weekly Horoscope | Did You Know? | On the Lighter Side

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Vol. 1 No. 10:07 October 7, 2024
Everybody’s Talking
Quotable Quotes
“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.”
– Stephen R. Covey
“The most beautiful words in the English language are ‘cheque enclosed’.”
– Dorothy Parker
“Money can buy the husk of many things, but not the kernel. It brings you food, but not appetite; medicine, but not health; acquaintances, but not friends; days of joy, but not peace and happiness.”
– Henrik Ibsen
- What is the jocular term for watermelon?
- Fire, water, wood, earth, and metal are the five elements of what?
- Who was Luke Skywalker’s father?
- What is the world’s most expensive spice?
- What is the regulation height of a tennis net at the centre?
▼ Trivia answers at the bottom of the page! ▼
What’s Happening
September 2024
Red Deer
Hearts of Harmony Chorus
Date & Time: Mondays, 6:30–9 p.m.
Location: 68 Donlevy Avenue
Details: Join us for a cappella singing or book us for a performance!
For More Information:
Seniors’ Dance
Date & Time: Every Wednesday, 7 p.m.
Location: Red Deer Legion Branch #35
Details: Join the fun at the seniors’ dance.
For More Information: Visit the Red Deer Legion website.
Trash to Treasure Week – Lacombe
Date & Time: October 4–13
Location: Throughout Lacombe
Details: Place reusable items at the curb marked “FREE.”
For More Information: Call 403.782.1261 or visit
Mentalist Jeff Newman
Date & Time: October 18, Doors open at 7 p.m., Show at 7:30 p.m.
Location: Lacombe Performing Arts Centre
Details: Tickets are $35 (students $40 with ID).
For More Information: Visit or the Mary C. Moore Public Library.
Senior Drop-in Bowling
Date & Time: Every Tuesday and Friday at 10 a.m.
Location: Ambassador Bowling Centre, 5020 – 50 Street, Lacombe
Details: Seniors (50+) are invited to stop by for fun. $10 fee includes two games of bowling, shoe rental, coffee/tea, and snacks.
For More Information: Call 403.309.6387
Blacksmith Workshop Series
Date & Time: Ongoing in 2024
Location: Lacombe Museum
Details: The Blacksmith Workshop Series is back for 2024!
For More Information: Email [email protected] or call 403.782.3933.
Sylvan Lake
Paint With Melissa Hall – Teen Edition
Date & Time: Saturday, October 26, 2–4 p.m.
Location: Sylvan Lake Library
Details: Teens are invited to paint a masterpiece with guidance from local artist Melissa Hall.
For More Information: Call 403.887.2130 or register online at link
Hogwarts Reading Club
Date & Time: Ongoing
Location: Sylvan Lake Municipal Library
Details: Track your reading to earn points for your House and compete for the House Cup! Open to adults and children.
For More Information: Submit reading here:
The Old Oak – Presented by Mountain View Film Group
Date & Time: Sunday, October 20, 11:30 a.m. and 3 p.m.
Location: Mayfair Cinema, 4910-50 Avenue, Olds
Details: A British drama about the friendship between a northern England pub owner and a Syrian woman, helping their divided village find hope.
For More Information:
Your Weekly Horoscope
Lucky numbers this week: This week’s odds favour Taurus winners with the luckiest number being 8.
Aries (March 21 - April 20)
Attending cultural events could satisfy your mind. Making friendly social visits to improve old grievances should lift your spirits.
Lucky Numbers: 7, 13, 14, 24, 30, 49.
Gemini (May 22 - June 21)
Feeling a little feisty could give you the force to be a powerful and effective communicator. Just remember to keep your cool.
Lucky Numbers: 24, 27, 29, 35, 37, 47.
Taurus (April 21 - May 21)
Begin implementing the promises that you have made to yourself. If you have the energy, perhaps you should take on more challenges.
Lucky Numbers: 8, 15, 17, 20, 30, 44.
Cancer (June 22 - July 23)
Try hard not to lose sight of reality while you are in your current mood. You may need inspiration, romance, and a temporary escape from everyday life.
Lucky Numbers: 8, 13, 29, 32, 38, 46.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 23)
More research could be needed in attaining a long-term goal. It may also compel you to review your future career plans.
Lucky Numbers: 2, 8, 20, 25, 38, 39.
Libra (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23)
You may need more time for personal pleasure and adventure. Your professional life can often consume far too much of your time and energy.
Lucky Numbers: 16, 17, 18, 29, 39, 46.
Virgo (Aug. 24 - Sept. 23)
Simply gather information and delay direct negotiations. Take some time before deciding on any clear-cut conclusions and think twice about signing any contracts.
Lucky Numbers: 21, 23, 28, 35, 39, 45.
Scorpio (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)
You can sound so pleasant and reasonable when you want to. Skip the sarcasm and use your positive energy to gain close friends and allies.
Lucky Numbers: 20, 23, 33, 34, 39, 45.
Sagittarius Nov. 23 - Dec. 21)
Recreational activities shared with loved ones can be a good stress-reliever. Try something different – you are apt to enjoy it.
Lucky Numbers: 4, 9, 15, 24, 30, 37.
Aquarius (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19)
Spending more time with family and friends may appeal to you right now. You may be feeling more tolerant, forgiving, and generous than usual.
Lucky Numbers: 13, 17, 44, 45, 46, 49.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20)
Your artistic talent, combined with your perceptual and visual sense, is a gift. You can blend imaginative colours to produce amazing beauty.
Lucky Numbers: 1, 2, 20, 25, 30, 38.
Pisces (Feb. 20 - March 20)
Your nurturing side is often highlighted by how you enjoy helping others. Cooking and baking can make you feel good about yourself.
Lucky Numbers: 5, 18, 20, 21, 37, 41.
Did you Know?
Small but successful: Liechtenstein is a small alpine country in Central Europe with a population of only 35,000. However, it boasts the highest gross domestic product per person, the lowest external debt, and the second lowest unemployment rate.
Painting style: Fauvism is an artistic movement that originated in the early twentieth century. Artists used bright, vivid colours in their work, along with bold brush strokes. Henri Matisse is one well-known artist involved in this movement.
Swimming feat: Swimming the English Channel is no easy task. The first woman to accomplish the swim (between Cape Gris-Nez in France to Kingsdown, Kent in England), was Gertrude Caroline Ederle in 1926. It took her 14 hours and 39 minutes.
Old theatre: Vaudeville acts traveled through North American towns and cities throughout the early part of the twentieth century. The acts ranged from acrobatic feats to singing troupes and comedy performances. Vaudeville died out with the advancement of moving picture shows (movies).
On the Lighter Side
Teacher: “Jimmy, your composition on ‘My Dog,’ is exactly like your brother’s.”
Jimmy: “No, ma’am, it’s the same dog.”
Sign at the beach: Do Not Walk Past the End of the Pier.
Why did the turkey cross the road? It was the chicken’s day off.
Always remember that you’re unique, just like everyone else.
Why is a moon rock tastier than an earth rock? Because it’s a little meteor.
Sign in Bakery Shop Window: Cakes $6.66 Upside-down Cakes $9.99.
Jack: “My apartment is really tiny.”
Jill: “How tiny is it?”
Jack: “It’s so tiny there isn’t even room for improvement.”
What did Paul Revere say when he finished his famous ride? “Whoa!”
Trivia answers:
- August ham
- Feng shui
- Darth Vader
- Saffron
- Three feet
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